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Settings > Insertion Position


Controls the position to insert key/translation into files.

  • Type: enum
  • Key (in settings.json): kazoo.insertionPosition



Inserts key at the end of the file/object

  • For example, given the following resources object:
    resources: {
    "accountInformation": "Account Information",
    "cancelMySubscription": "Cancel My Subscription",
    "checkOutFaq": "Check out our FAQs",
    "apple": "apple", // The new key would go here

Loose Alphabetical​

Inserts key in best guess alphabetical order

  • Assumes the file is already sorted, and calculates the new index to insert the key.

  • For example, given the following resources object:

    resources: {
    "accountInformation": "Account Information",
    "apple": "apple", // The new key would go here
    "cancelMySubscription": "Cancel My Subscription",
    "checkOutFaq": "Check out our FAQs"
  • If the object is not in alphabetical order, the key may be inserted in an unexpected location.

  • For example, given the following resources object:

    resources: {
    "accountInformation": "Account Information",
    "checkOutFaq": "Check out our FAQs",
    "cantaloupe": "cantaloupe", // The new key would go here, despite it belonging below 'cancelMySubscription'
    "cancelMySubscription": "Cancel My Subscription",


Inserts key at the start of the file/object

  • For example, given the following resources object:

    resources: {
    "cantaloupe": "cantaloupe", // The new key would go here
    "accountInformation": "Account Information",
    "cancelMySubscription": "Cancel My Subscription",
    "checkOutFaq": "Check out our FAQs",

Strict Alphabetical​

Inserts key in alphabetical order

  • Performs a full sort on the file, which is pretty slow (3-4 seconds for the culture files).

  • For example, given the following resources object:

    resources: {
    "accountInformation": "Account Information",
    "checkOutFaq": "Check out our FAQs",
    "cancelMySubscription": "Cancel My Subscription",
    "teamManagement": "Team Management",
    "subscriptionDetails": "Subscription Details",
  • Inserting the key 'cantaloupe' would also re-sort the entire object:

    resources: {
    "accountInformation": "Account Information",
    "cancelMySubscription": "Cancel My Subscription",
    "cantaloupe": "cantaloupe", // The new key would go here
    "checkOutFaq": "Check out our FAQs",
    "subscriptionDetails": "Subscription Details",
    "teamManagement": "Team Management"
  • Useful if you start to notice multiple discrepancies in the sorting of your file(s) and want to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Default Value​

Defaults to Loose Alphabetical due to its relative accuracy and speed. This may be changed in the future to Strict Alphabetical if the performance can be improved.